bl mrsavage

Sniped but not sniped? 🤔


The World's Best Hiding Spot?

The CLEANEST Prefire 😮

Quando vedi @mongraal e @mrsavage nelle FEED #short #fortniteitalia #rekins #mongraal #mrsavage

The best duo #fortnite #polska #setty #epic #fncs #winner #again #kami #softaim

Confuse your enemy with this simple trick

a little 360

Bro boogied himself💀

How To Properly Use Shockwave Hammers in Fortnite

piece control

from blob to edit course

Good fight 👍


EU FNCS Solo Preview (NRG Benjyfishy, 100T MrSavage, BL Hen, Rezon ay, and Th0masHD)

I donated MrSavage and this is what he said 😳 #shorts #fortnite #fortnitelive #fortniteclips

🤯 BL Kami FN Cheat at FNCS

Instant Regret 🤣

mrsavage una jugada #4

Do You Want Travis Scott In Chapter 5? 👑 #fortnite #chapter5

MrSavage vs Mongraal 🥊

Stopping mid-rotation for a free elim

You have to underpiece..

Me telling my autistic brother how to use the bathroom